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Attract Like Never Before

Craving for opposite-sex attraction is the major discussed topic in the community since the dawn of civilization.
Some innately have this virtue and by doing they mastered it, while some genuinely required to focus a lot to build that attractive personality.
Nevertheless, there are many ways to increase your attractiveness and so your sex appeal.
Let see-

  1. Physique - It's relevant to think that your body cast many vibes prior to your talks. As having this body, it's our obligation to maintain it and its fitness. Having a good fitness with little more muscles can dramatically impact and elevate your attractiveness.
  2. Posture - The way you carry your body with confidence is crucial. Letting your shoulder back and standing straight with open body language by not converging into little couch can really help you to look smart and dominant like a responsible leader. Next time when you sit somewhere or walk, just do it like a king, obvio not so boasted!
  3. Fragrance - Just putting it simply, don't spoil the surrounding by shedding sweat smell, or mouth odor. Use some decent quality of good mild musk or any other perfume before stepping out and remind yourself to take mouth wash and brush your teeth twice a day. You may also carry mint chews.
  4. Clothing - Trend is important, but what supersedes this imperativeness is the fine understanding of your own very taste. Always wear those things whichsoever suits your personality and body. Pay utmost heed to well-tailored clothes, it should not emit out clumsiness. Also with a pair of matchings like boots, monk strap or sneakers is as well justified as former. You can put on some other essentials like a watch, bracelet, and shades.
  5. Attitude - Now it is the final game-changer, it shows what you believe and how you behave. First of all, it must be ingrained firmly with the conviction that no one can pretend to be smart for more than a day continuously. So always work to inculcate and articulate your behavior towards the outer and inner world. Act as a responsible, genuine, kind and mature person with a decent amount of humor inside his/her head. You should need to feel positive with yourself so that involuntary you emit out positivity. Maintain self-respect but no ego. Respect others and don't be emotional imbecile all the time. Express that is required and relevant only. Overall, you must be true, a little bit clever and a little more humble. Act like a genuine king, like a true humorous man, but never loose your own self-touch, your purity, and your damn own originality.

All the best.

**Any suggestions invited.


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