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Quest of Almighty

One thought had engulfed me 5 years ago and now I know that there is no answer of it inside my brain. My rational consciousness can’t decipher the creator. With thinking I can’t know him beyond a point, but perhaps by some meditation, observation and feeling the life and myself, I May know him.

Yes, I am talking about the EXISTENCE OF GOD.
You know right, there is a lot of chaos in the world and the best one is what inside one’s own head. How miraculous the brain is, ain’t. Everything is so much intricate yet perfectly placed and working with utmost precision, you can valid it as well. For an example, consider, blood inside human body. It knows well when to clot if there is some cut or wound. Why it does not clot while circulating in the vessels! There is intelligence in the universe that exactly knows that there should be some mechanism to make the world progress and not out of blue, this reproducing power in creatures exists for cited cause. If there is thirst, there is water. If there is hunger, there is food. If there is urged to rest, there is sleep. If the is light, there is eyes to witness the world. How can nonliving universe, arising from absolute nothingness for no specific reason may know that to produce something called waves, and that too of longitudinal nature, called Sound and knows to develop the organ ears in many creatures in order to perceive the same within the definite frequency range. Means that non intelligent singularity for no pretty good reason creates this way of specific universe. This cannot be the mere randomness. Clearly there is design element behind all these things. Many arguments already circulated in the world about only 1 in trillions rise to the power trillions only possibility to make this universe come into existence and more trillions power to make it survive and sustain. Creation from the Nothingness (that don’t have any logic, intelligence and conscience) is not feasible. From one type of thing only its own type can be born. Like water gives water, but not fire or gold. There must be some external mixing or alteration to get something different, but that something different will again restricted and confined within the boundary of laid down cause. Thus, absolute nothingness cannot give something. This is what creation itself says, yet very fine intelligence can be seen dancing in the dew drops on flower during dawn.

Again, whatever we are discussing is because we think and rationalize things, but why only in such a way and why we think is still perplexing. We live and have awareness, we can see things and can’t deny that we are real, but how nothingness without any cause, not only fabricated but also meticulously designed this world is the unexplained mystery. So maybe some elements shall remain this way because there is no finite way to justify the starting point. The thing is that everything is existing and working by some definite laws of classical physics on surficial level. Laws need their formulator.


Maybe while going agnostic, we remain silent or by going cynical we shout, but truth is something very different, and that truth had been tried to be explained by various ancient Hindus sages, texts and beliefs. And surprisingly things start making very fine sense and many more things can be seen as counter part of science. Like, science says, this world is composed of proton, electron and neutron, which is nothing but SAT, RAJ, TAM virtues of world as per Hindu beliefs. Science is not the anti of theism but explainer of the universe.


But for now, maybe we cannot see something, because of physical limitation within the boundary of space and time and senses, but that doesn’t mean that something beyond that cannot exist which could have designed this fine working cosmos, put life energy and created laws of world in the finite surreal way and eventually set everything in motion.


Here I again want to recall one very famous quote that says:

“Absence of proof is not the proof of absence”.


But we can see this life is real and we have to take the best use of our logical consciousness to create the better world and make the humanity thrive, putting some value in the world through our persistent efforts by correct, ethical and deep use of consciousness. There is no other choice but to accept the universe as it is and life the life.

Also, I remember what Socrates said, there are two possibilities, either there is God, then I will live after life, as soul will be there, Or there is no god and everything ends with death.

Nevertheless, we must live, and live with goodness, that cause no pain to us and to our world.



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