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Only you are real

 You are the real. It's you who comprehend all the beauty and wonders of this world. It's also you who feel the pain and sorrows. It's always you, and nobody else. The outer world can only stimulate your brain but it's always you to who controller lies on hand. You can love yourself infinitely and can be the master of living. You can build yourself and do things that make you happy without expecting anyone to behave the way you want them to do. Life is definitely challenging but that's what gives its quality and beautitude. It's okay if they don't need your love and rejected harshly because rejections are normal. Often they don't want something and nothing you can do. It's a free will concept in this planet and people are free to live the way they want, so why don't you try this living freely and happily for yourself? It's also okay if they can't value you and your efforts, and it's again perfectly fine if you have to let go of something that degrades and humiliating your very inner self because to be very true, nothing lasts forever, and nothing really worth losing your self for, definitely nothing. There is impermanence and the sooner you ingrained this, the better will be.

Live for yourself, like what you want today to eat at dinner, what juice you want to have tomorrow morning with extra cheese on garlic bread or not. Don't ever look for people's approval or try to impress 'em by showing off. The day you learn this simple concept that there is powerful, courageous, and serene self lies inside you and that is actually you are, and your potential is infinite, that day onwards your quality of living changes and changes for the better. 


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